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American Association for Women in Community Colleges

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American Association for Women in Community Colleges


This organization shall be known as the American Association for Women in Community Colleges: An affiliate council of the American Association of Community Colleges.


The purposes of the Organization shall be as follows:

A.  To foster the development of comprehensive educational, career, and life opportunities for all persons;
B.   To provide information, assistance and support for all educators as they serve two-year college students through providing education and services that are sensitive to the needs of women students;
C.   To encourage and support professional development and advancement of all women employed and/or enrolled in a community, junior, or technical college;
D.  To collect and disseminate data and research relating to women’s professional development issues;
E.   To support the goals and objectives of the American Association of Community Colleges.
F.    To promote equity and education for community college women students.


The Organization is affiliated with the American Association of Community Colleges within the policies described by the Board of Directors.


AAWCC membership is available on an institutional, chapter, individual, and partner/supporter basis. State or district section membership is only available for those sections that existed prior to fall 2021: Oregon, San Diego, and South Carolina.  

Institutional Membership

This membership level is for colleges that support the mission of AAWCC. The membership fee is based on institutional annual enrollment (as reported to IPEDS) and allows the president and one designee to serve as members. 

·         1,000 or less - $100/year

·         1,001 - 3,000 - $200/year

·         3,001 - 5,000 - $300/year

·         5,001 - 7,000 - $400/year

·         7,001 - 9,000 - $500/year

·         9,001 or above - $600/year 

Chapter Membership

This membership level is for colleges with an AAWCC chapter. The membership fee is based on institutional annual enrollment (as reported to IPEDS). This cost allows unlimited chapter members; it is at the discretion of the chapter how the membership fee is collected for the purposes of paying the national organization. Chapters can still charge dues for local membership. If local dues are charged, chapters must report the information annually to AAWCC National for tax purposes. 

·  1,000 or less - $100/year

·  1,001 - 3,000 - $200/year

·  3,001 - 5,000 - $300/year

·  5,001 - 7,000 - $400/year

·  7,001 - 9,000 - $500/year

·  9,001 or above - $600/year 

State or District Section Membership

Each individual college with a chapter under a state or district escorting is charges based on institutional annual enrollment (as reporter to IPEDS). If an individual college does not have its own chapter or cannot pay, the state/district section has the option to cover the costs for that college. 

·  1,000 or less - $100/year

·  1,001 - 3,000 - $200/year

·  3,001 - 5,000 - $300/year

·  5,001 - 7,000 - $400/year

·  7,001 - 9,000 - $500/year

·  9,001 or above - $600/year 

Individual Membership - $50

This level is for individuals who are not affiliated with a chapter.

Partner/Supporter Membership - $1,000

This level is for organizations that support AAWCC and its mission but are not member colleges of the American Association of Community Colleges.


A. The Board of Directors may recognize local and state chapters of AAWCC.
B. The Board shall establish procedures for approving such applications at its Board meetings.
C. A statewide chapter may be formed if members in that state petition the Board of Directors for recognition as an affiliated chapters. Approval shall be as in Section B above.
D. The Board of Directors shall establish procedures governing the continuation or dissolution of any such chapter.
E. Every chapter and section duly recognized by the Board of Directors shall be responsible for filing all necessary financial reports with the Vice President for Finance and shall be eligible to use the AAWCC name and logo. Chapters may operate as a 501(c)6, following the tax designation of AAWCC.
F. Recognized chapters shall follow and uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of AAWCC.


A.  Executive Committee

  •     The Officers of the Association shall be:

  •     President

  •     President-Elect

  •     Immediate Past President

  •     Vice President for Professional Development

  •     Vice President for Membership

  •     Vice President for Communications

  •     Vice President for Resource and Development

  •     Vice President for Finance

B.   Regional Directors
Each of the eight geographic regions will have a Regional Director.
C.   Duties of Officers and Regional Directors
The duties of the Executive Committee , and each Officer and Regional Director are specified in the Bylaws.


A. Nominations for the Board will be provided according to the Bylaws.
B. Eligibility for the Board

  1. The President-Elect shall become President after a one-year term.  The President-Elect shall be a CEO and/or Executive of a community college.

  2. Remaining Officers and Directors – All active members in good standing as defined in the Bylaws shall be eligible to serve in any remaining position.

C. Terms of Office
  1. All elected Officers and Directors will serve three-year terms. The President serves two years; the President-Elect serves

      for one year before assuming a two-year term as President. The Vice President for Finance and the Vice President for 

      Communications shall be appointed by the President on a yearly basis with the approval of the Board.

  2. A member may be elected to serve no more than two consecutive full terms in any one position and no more than ten consecutive years as a Board member, or with approval by the Board to continue in service as needed

  3. The AWWCC President shall not be elected to serve more than one full term as President. She then serves a two-year 

      term as Immediate Past-President. After that service, she may be reelected to any Board position.

D. Elections
Elections will be conducted by electronic ballot using the current technology available. Election is by simple majority of

active members submitting valid ballots.

F. Board Vacancies
In the event that an office is vacated, the office will be filled according to procedures outlined in the Bylaws.


A.  The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following:
President; President-Elect; Vice Presidents for Professional Development, Membership, Communications, Resource Development, and Finances; Regional Directors; Immediate Past President; and AAWCC Representative to AACC.
B.  At her discretion, the president, with Board approval, may appoint up to three special board members.
C.  The duties of the Board of Directors shall be as specified in the Bylaws.


A. Board Director and officers will conduct organizational business according to high professional standards.
B. As volunteers, all Board members should comply with requests for response to official communications and should take seriously attendance at all official meetings.
C. Two unexcused absences of Board meetings within one calendar year will result in review of the sitting Board member by the President and/or immediate Past President to determine if future and continued Board affiliation status is appropriate.
D. Lack of any communication to the Executive Committee between Board meetings will result in the same aforementioned action.
E. Officers/Board members of the American Association for Women in Community Colleges shall not engage in any activity which would be inconsistent with the status of an educational and charitable organization as defined in section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor provisions thereto.
F. All Board members and officers are expected to follow and execute specific duties as outlined in job descriptions. Failure to do so will result in the aforementioned action as outlined above. 


A. Board of Directors

  1. One regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held annually.

  2. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or request by a majority of the Board of Directors.

  3. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Board of Directors .

B. Executive Committee

Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon request of a simple majority of the Executive Committee.

C. Annual Business Meeting

  1. One annual meeting of the general membership shall be scheduled to coincide with the annual convention of the American Association of Community Colleges.

  2. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the President upon written request of a simple majority of the Board of Directors.

D. Announcement of Meetings
Annual meetings must be announced to all members in good standing no later than one calendar month preceding the date of the meeting.


The Board of Directors shall set dues to encourage maximum participation from potential members at all economic levels.


A.  Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.
B.   Budget
The annual budget of the Association shall be determined and approved by the Board of Directors.
C.   Use of Income and Assets
All of the assets and income of the Association shall be used only for the purposes herein set forth, including the payment of expenses incident thereto, and no part of the assets or income of the Association shall be distributable to its members or Directors, and no substantial part of its activities shall be for the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
D. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution or other termination of the organization, title to all of its assets shall rest in such organization which qualifies under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor provision thereto (as the members may select by vote).
E. Status
The American Association for Women in Community Colleges shall not engage in any activity which would be inconsistent with the status of a professional association as defined in Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor provisions thereto.


A. Proposed amendments to the constitution may be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by any active member for Board of Directors review.
B. All proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors before being submitted to the general membership vote.
C. The Constitution shall be amended or rescinded by email ballots disseminated through the best technology available at the time authorized by the Board of directors and per the Bylaws.
D. A simple majority of affirmative response of those voting is necessary to effect a change.


A. The Bylaws shall be established, amended or rescinded by the Board of Directors.
B. Proposed amendments and/or changes to the Bylaws may be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by any active and eligible member.
C. The Bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors by a voice or ballots disseminated through the best technology available at the time, a change being ratified by simple affirmative majority of those voting.

Amended March 1991; April 1993; January 1997, April 1999, August 2000; April 2006, April 2009; June 2021, June 2024

Produced: April 2001

The American Association for Women in Community Colleges changes women’s lives through education, service and leadership development.


AAWCC, P.O. Box 32682 Pikesville, MD 21282-9998

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